We finally got around to making the first game kids can play to get their exercise in. Giant Tic Tac Toe.
More video's to come after spring break. Have fun kids!
It's the weekend!! Although everyday kind of seems like the weekend right now. Over the weekends the Isolation challenge consists of:
Get up and move everyday. Why? Because you can! Challenge Day:
1000 stairs. You can do this outside or in your home. Just practice safe social distancing if you are going outside. Inside I would break it up. I have 11 stairs so plan to do 10 rounds at a time. You have all day to get it done. Happy Stair day!! Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It's leadership
Today's workout you will need a watch as it consists of 1 minute stations. Complete each exercise for 1 minute and move directly to the next with no rest. Once you have completed each exercise in the complex take a one minute rest and repeat the exercises two more times. There are two complexes to complete. Do all rounds of complex 1 before moving to complex 2. Complex 1: Video Link Front squats Tricep up down with a push up (alternate sides) 1 leg glute press (switch legs after 30 seconds) Body saw Complex 2: Video Link Get ups Hollow Extension to tuck V-Squeeze Overhead split squat (switch legs after 30 seconds) Side plank with hip drop and knee drive (switch sides after 30 seconds) The video's have a few options for Tricep up downs, Hollow Extension with tuck, overhead split squat, and side plank. Pick the version that challenges you the most!! Challenge Day: Happy first day of Spring
Do not forget to post on Instagram or Facebook and tag @inspirationtrainingyyc (Instagram) @inspirationtraining (Facebook) I love seeing everyone's pictures and video's and even getting families involved. Keep them coming and great job on Day 1!! Here are two warm up video's and also great exercises to do on a daily basis to improve mobility. During the warm up keep moving and do 10 per side (or more if it is feeling needed). You can also use these movements at any time in the day but slow them down and hold positions for a few seconds.
https://youtu.be/6QId2vz73NY https://youtu.be/wO-iD5pk_Uo Can't wait to see you crushing the workouts!! Each day I will be posting either a new complete workout for the day or one small challenge that needs to be completed that day. To make things a little more interesting I thought I would add a little competition to see who is following along. The person who completes the most workouts and daily challenges will win one free month of training!! The rules:
Challenge starts March 17th!! Workout 1: complex 1: youtu.be/DIzOBj6Bjpw Workout 1: complex 2: - https://youtu.be/0npLYUIDkAw Have fun. For those with small kids we will also be starting a kid challenge. Stay tuned for those links.
November 2021