Greek BBQ Skewers With Greek Salad and Tzatziki Dip
We combined this with Greek Salad and pita with Tzatziki dip Tzatziki Dip
I know it has been a while since posting a new recipe. My goal of one new recipe a week has been slacking lately. I love knowing what we are cooking each night of the week for supper as it usually means I have put a shopping list together and know I will have all the needed ingredients. Lately, this has not been the case due to travelling every weekend so no time to think about the coming week. This usually means a trip to the grocery store early Monday morning between clients with no idea what we will eat each night for supper. With this Costco list below and a few 'staple' ingredients to keep at home all the time, I find we can come up with different meals to make it through the week.
Other items we always have at home:
November 2021