January is almost over. No more grace period, no more saying "I will start on Monday" or "I always start my goals Feb 1st" It is that time. No more excuses.
If you are partaking in the 2018 challenge you should have completed all your baseline testing, set some additional personal goals, and hopefully have started the habit of being active at least five day's a week, maybe even completed the additional skipping challenge last week. If you have not, or this is the first you have heard of the challenge check it out http://bit.ly/2Gv1m0g. Be sure to check the blog often for additional information and bonus workouts! Now it's go time. Make this your most active and healthy year ever.
Day 3 of the one week skipping challenge - 300 skips.
Bonus challenge - Double Unders. The rope must pass twice under your feet in one jump!! If you have never done then, give them a try and add a few in each day. If you can currently do them try for 30 in a row! Jump in January
Skipping is extra challenge #1. Why skipping? Because you can do it anywhere, all you need is a rope. And it works your arms, calves, and lungs! So why not skip! Challenge:
Practice two foots jumps and do this in addition to your 30 minutes of activity. p.s if I were you I would continue to skip throughout the year at least twice a week as you never know when the next skipping challenge may be. And more then likely it will be harder:) Don't be afraid of change. You may end up losing something good, but you will probably end up gaining something better.
Hopefully by now you have made the decision to join the 2018 challenge and have began getting active and setting some of you own goals. If you are not sure where to start take a look at my 5 Golden Rules for Goal Setting for tips. Coming up next week is the first of 12 additional challenges. Be sure to check the blog over the weekend for the details!! p.s only 14 more days to get your baseline testing in. If you are still humming and hawing about actually committing to the challenge I ask you this "what do you have to lose"? It costs you nothing except dedication and the will to make this year your best yet!
Or, why not take it one step further and finally find some eating habits that will help you lose weight and become healthier; AND the best part help you develop habits that you can maintain your entire life. No crash diets, or restrictive eating just healthy habits. Check out Inspiration Training's Nutrition Coaching powered by Precision Nutrition Procoach for more details. Are you ready to make this your best year yet!! Why a year long challenge? Because change takes time, and my goal as a coach is to help you establish an active healthy lifestyle that you can enjoy and maintain throughout your life. This is not a go hard for three months with crazy diets just to be ready for that one event in your life or beach season. We have all done that. I want to stop the cyclical nature of dieting and instead challenge you to find the balance between being healthy and strong, and living life. My hope is that you will not only succeed at the goals I will lay out but that you will set some of your own and really embrace the journey to a healthier fitter you. “YOU MISS 100% OF THE SHOTS YOU DO NOT TAKE.” Michael Jordan PART 1: Being physically active 5 days a week. You need to physically do something that is bettering your fitness for 30 minutes (minimum) five days a week. Walk, Run, Swim, Lift Weights, Play a sport, ski, snowshoe, you get the point. It can be anything that is leading you to a fitter, stronger, healthier you. But, keep in mind, recovery is extremely important. You cannot go 5 days a week all year without having rest weeks and day’s. Your scheduled rest day’s can be included in your five day’s of physical activity. These days may include stretching for 30 minutes, taking a foam rolling course, meditating, or a bike ride with the kids. Take the time to think about what your recovery day’s will look like and plan them ahead. Part 2: Three physical challenges in the year.
Testing: January will be bench mark testing to figure out where you are starting. Use January to get into the habit of being active daily, to plan your training sessions and RECOVERY days, and to set your own personal goals for the year. Anytime in January complete the following:
That is the challenge. Are you up for it? I will be posting extra challenges throughout the year that you can decide to take part in or not. Some of them will be physical, some funny, some more mentally challenging. Use them to your advantage. Visit the blog often for articles, motivation, inspiration or to post your questions. And please, share your progress. Brag about your accomplishments. Don’t forget to invite your friends and family to join. Surrounding yourself with people who will be encouraging and supportive will only help you succeed. |
November 2021