Hormones change monthly, weekly, daily, even hourly. As a female understanding the role hormones play in how your body feels and performs in the gym can have a huge impact on how your program your workouts. During the first 14 days of your cycle energy levels are higher, you typically feel better, and your workouts feel great. You are stronger during the first 14 days of your cycle and you also have a greater ability to gain muscle during this phase. So lift heavy and go hard!
The second have of the cycle is when hormones really start to shift. The same workout you did on day 4 may feel extremely difficult or impossible. And maybe it is. You can still do the same exercises but may feel you need longer recovery times and/or lighter weights. Listen to what your body is telling you. My point is not to give you an excuse for slacking during the second half of you cycle, as some months you may feel great the entire time. I am simply saying to pay attention to what your body is telling you and know that hormones play a huge role in how you feel. Some day's your body will tell you it is time to ease up. To take the lighter weights and longer rest and this is perfectly normal. Other day's go hard or go home ladies.
A great warm up exercise for Grip Strength, glutes and core.
Keep the bottom of the KB up with a neutral wrist. Keeping the hips high and even at all times lower the opposite leg to the ground and back up. Repeat 10x per side |
November 2021