Fit is not a destination. It's a way of life.
Stop looking for the quick fix, the best diet or fad workout to get you in shape for a certain event. It takes hard work everyday, but it will be the most rewarding job you ever have. You only have one body in this lifetime. Treat it well. Make time for yourself everyday.
I recently started listening to a podcast called "The Mindset Mile" by Aisha Zaza. I highly recommend it!! They are 10 minute podcasts to listen to while you run or walk 1 mile!!
Today's podcast was on Mindless Complaining. I admit I have done this many times but I actively try not to. Yes sometimes we need to vent but complaining about things you cannot change (like the weather), or complaining about the same thing over and over again and never doing anything about it, that is mindless complaining. The podcast gave six suggestions for overcoming Mindless complaining 1) Find something good in every situation - Recently my two girls and I have jumped into horse riding, and by jumped I mean within a year purchased a horse and now spend over 16 hours a week at the barn. This comes with a lot of time spent driving and being at the barn and not at home. Some days I get caught up in this and stress about all the things I need to get done and how am I possibly going to get them done and get more then 4 hours of sleep a night. Then I remember all this driving is time I get to spend with my girls. We talk, we laugh, we sing, and sometimes we just enjoy the scenery. I wouldn't trade that for anything. 2) Focus on the present - we cannot control the future. All we can control is the here and now and what we do with each moment and day. A a good friend once said to me "that sounds like a future Tricia problem", she was so right. This has stuck with me and I tell myself it over and over when I start thinking about days to come. I know a lot of people who get stressed on Sunday thinking about the work week coming up that they forget to enjoy the day. 3) Practice active gratitude - the podcasts talk about gratitude a lot and it is something I have adopted since beginning the 30 day challenge. I write three things I am grateful for each morning. They do not need to be big things, for example today I was grateful I set the coffee machine so I had a fresh cup of joe at 4am. Instead of wishing for this or that, be grateful for what you have and who you are now. 4) Change "have to" to "get to". I did this today! Someone asked me what the rest of my day looked like and I said "I have to run 5 miles". I quickly stopped myself and said "I get to run 5 miles". It sounds crazy but saying "I get to go to the gym", "I get to go get groceries", "I get to go to work". It changes your mindset. 5) Periodically practice going complain free for 24 hours - that is my challenge to you 6) Put a rubber band on your wrist and change it every time you catch yourself complaining. This is about being mindful of what you are saying and thinking. "Everything gets harder if you start going on and on about how hard it is" --Stephen Covey I tell my kids all the time to change their mindset. To accept that some things are going to be difficult or scary and how they use those feelings will play a large role in the outcome. I encourage them to use difficult things as a challenge, not an road block, and to use the nervous feeling as added positive motivation, not the usual negative connotation "nervous" is often associated with. This video progresses in intensity for the quads. If you are not able to do all three variations stick with the one you can. I'm currently reading a book about being awesome. Who doesn't need a reminder once in a while about how uniquely awesome they are. "You're on a journey with no defined beginning, middle or end. There are no wrong twists and turns. There is just being. And your job is to be as you as you can be...You are the only you there is and ever will be. Do not deny the world its one and only chance to bask in your brilliance." Have an awesome week. "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." Arthur Ashe Got this quote from a client and just love it. Thanks for sharing Kerri I read this quote over the weekend and think it is one of my favorites. "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." Maya Angelou |
November 2021